A 4000-es sorozatú felhőmenedzsment az azonnali műveleteket a központosított láthatósággal kombinálja, amely leegyszerűsíti a switchek üzembe helyezését, kiépítését és hibaelhárítását. A gépi tanulási eszközök segítenek a problémák gyors elkülönítésében, a folyamatos felhőalapú kézbesítés biztosítja a legújabb felügyeleti funkciók frissítését, az érintés nélküli kiépítés pedig gyors telepítést tesz lehetővé a webhelyeken. A 90 W-os PoE-vel, több gigabites hozzáféréssel, halmozási és házirend-szolgáltatásokkal a 4000-es sorozat egy switching-platform, amely képes megfelelni a mai és a jövő vezetékes hálózatainak változó csatlakozási követelményeinek. A 4000-es sorozat 4120 és 4220 modellcsaládokból áll:
► A 4120 család egy 24 portos és egy 48 portos modellt tartalmaz, több gigabites (1/2,5 Gb) és 90 W-os PoE támogatással az összes hozzáférési porton, valamint nagy sebességű 4 x 10/25 Gb uplink és 2 x 100 Gb uplink/ stack portok, így ideális vezetékes koncentrátorként nagy sűrűségű Wi-Fi/IoT környezetekben.
► A 4220 család 8, 12, 24 és 48 portos modelleket tartalmaz gigabites és több gigabites (1/2,5/5 Gb) hozzáférési portokkal, akár 90 W-os PoE-vel és 4 x SFP+ uplink/stack porttal, így egy rendkívül rugalmas, Layer-2 vezetékes hozzáférési vállalati megoldás.
360° Views | Cloud-based 360° network topology and switch views enable drill down to the 4000 Series switch, port and connected clients for quick status, including historical trends. Aggregated 4000 Switch Health scores further offer a way to easily monitor an individual 4000 Series switch or all 4000 Series switches in the network, to quickly isolate and troubleshoot issues. Furthermore, unified views of the entire Extreme wired/wireless infrastructure are also available within ExtremeCloud IQ. |
Cloud Management | The 4000 Series has been designed for easy-to-use cloud management that simplifies deployment, provisioning and troubleshooting. 4000 Series switches can be managed either by ExtremeCloud IQ or ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine for comprehensive, unified management with a consolidated view of users, devices, and applications across wired and wireless networks. As a wholly cloud-managed solution, 4000 Series switches avoid the need for complex on-switch provisioning via direct console interface, making it easier for users to set up and manage their entire 4000 Series wired network. |
Cloud-delivery | The 4000 Series benefits from continuous feature delivery with each new ExtremeCloud IQ update. It’s an automated way to get maintenance-free cloud-feature and security updates delivered to every 4000 Series switch in the network. And if there is a need to update 4000 Series firmware, this can also be centrally done from the cloud. |
Orchestration | Fabric Attach services provide zero-touch edge provisioning and allow the 4000 Series to take advantage of the virtualized services and inherent security capabilities of the Extreme Fabric infrastructure. |
ExtremeCloud IQ | ExtremeCloud IQ provides a native cloud management option for the 4000 Series. With a rich set of automated onboarding, provisioning and visibility features, ExtremeCloud IQ eases the day-to-day task of managing the 4000 Series through the following unique cloud-native features. |
ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine | 4000 Series switches can also be managed from ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine as an on-premises cloud management option. ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine supports complete end-to-end management and monitoring of wired, wireless and 3rd-party devices, with in-depth visibility and control of users, devices and applications. 4000 Series management features available using ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine include zero-touch provisioning, device configuration, alarms and events, scripts and workflows, as well as inventory management including backup and restore functions. Also available are ExtremeAnalytics for 4000 Series telemetry reporting and ExtremeControl for OnePolicy configuration/support. |
Flexible PoE | The 4000 Series offers models that include standards-based IEEE 802.3at 30W on 1 gigabit access ports and IEEE 802.3bt 30/60/90W on multi-gigabit ports. This includes 90W PoE support across all 24 or 48 ports of the 4120 hardware. PoE eliminates the need for additional electrical cabling and circuits otherwise needed to power edge devices, such as IP phones or wireless APs. |
Instant Onboarding | 4000 Series onboarding to the cloud is a hands-off operation using zero-touch provisioning. Simply unpack the 4000 Series switch, connect it to the network, and it automatically finds its connection to the cloud, ready to be provisioned. The ExtremeCloud Companion mobile app makes onboarding even easier with on-site cloud set-up and switch troubleshooting capabilities. |
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